Courtroom Drawings
Imaginary drawing of me sitting, playing with duplo and watching my dad getting prosecuted (2020) Chalk pastel on paper
Me as a barrister shocking the courtroom (2020) Chalk pastel on paper
Asking my dad some q's (2020) Chalk pastel on paper
Me veering into melodrama (2020) Chalk pastel on paper
I am the judge and everybody else in the courtroom (2020) graphite on paper
Remembering a prosecuting barrister make her case for the relevancy of an argument in a pre-trial hearing whilst quietly, anxiously poking holes in her gown.
With defendants behind her. (2020) Chalk pastel on paper
The Jury is shown my nudes (2020) Chalk pastel on paper
The Jury is given all the drawings about my dad and court (2020) graphite on paper
Jack Letts parents pre-trial hearing (2018) graphite on paper
Drawings of Jeffery Camp RA
Drawing of Jeffery Camp RA (2018) graphite on paper
Drawing of Jeffery sleeping (2018) graphite on paper
Drawing of Jeffery waking (2018) graphite on paper
Jeffery looking to his right (2020) graphite pastel on paper
untitled collage (2018) gouache on paper
untitled drawing of Jeffery Camp (2018) gouache on paper
Drawing of Jeffery eating (2019) coloured pencil on paper
untitled drawing of Jeffery (2019) graphite on paper
untitled drawing of Jeffery (2019) graphite on paper
First gouache sketch of Jeffery (2018) gouache on paper
Jeffery paints with my gouache tin (2018) gouache on paper